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Finding Your Fitness Path

Young slim woman brunette in sport clothes running at autumn park, she is finding her fitness path

The Reality of Starting Your Fitness Journey

Embarking on your fitness journey can feel like stepping into a maze of endless options and information overload! With so much advice out there, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of conflicting tips and tricks. But hey, you’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed! Let’s navigate this together

It’s important to grasp that the start to fitness is not linear and there’s no one-size-fits-all plan. No magical machine will churn out the perfect blueprint just because you have goals in mind. There are templates and guidelines to follow based on past positive results from other sources, but you won’t find a fitness plan that is catered to you. But don’t lose hope just yet – the ideal plan is out there, waiting to be discovered. 

Related: 10 Essential Tips For Preparing Successful Outdoor Workouts

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How do we discover the ideal fitness plan for ourselves? The most reliable approach is through trial and error. While it may seem daunting, allow us to explain why this method is the most effective way forward.

1. Just Start

As a beginner, your fitness and nutritional knowledge library is empty. To craft the perfect plan, you need data. How do we gather it? By simply choosing a plan you’re confident you can stick to from beginning to end. Seems overly simple? Let’s keep reading

2. Build Your Library

The outcomes of this plan don’t matter right now. Why? Because your aim is to build your library. Succeed, and you’re closer to understanding what works for you best. Then, you can build on those successes and explore new avenues to gauge what clicks and what doesn’t. Even if the plan falls short of your goal, you’ve gained insights into what doesn’t suit you. With this new knowledge, you can pivot to explore other plans that diverge from the unsuccessful one, and continue building your library from there. Without any data to guide you, how can you detect what strategies yield results and which ones fall short? Even with the guidance of a personal trainer, their main focus is still to collect data on what resonates with you and what doesn’t.

Related: Fitness In The Digital Era

3. Keep it simple

The start may feel overwhelming with information. Keeping it simple increases your chances of success. Select a nutritional plan that seamlessly integrates into your current lifestyle with minimal adjustments. Opt for a workout plan that begins at home or a gym conveniently located along your regular commute. Establishing a strong foundation for success makes it simpler to adhere to any plan.

4. Continous Learning:

Remember, your “perfect plan” is a journey of constant evolution. Consider this scenario: starting at 200 lbs and shedding 30 lbs through one plan leaves you at 170 lbs. Your requirements at 200 lbs versus 170 lbs will vary. Similarly, the needs at age 25 greatly differ from those at 35. It’s up to you to adjust to your needs and learn as you get better.


Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and the path to success is not linear. Trial and error will be your most reliable guide as you build your fitness library and adapt to your evolving needs. Keep it simple, stay open to continuous learning, and embrace the journey of constant evolution. Your perfect fitness plan is out there, waiting to be discovered. Let’s embark on this adventure together and pave the way to a healthier, happier you.

Related: Top 5 Exercises for Busy Days: Staying Fit in Less Time


"Throughout my life, the shadows of depression and anxiety have cast their long reach, but they have not defined nor hindered my path. Instead, these struggles have become the driving force behind my mission to advocate for mental health and inspire others to find strength and resilience within themselves."

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